The 30 Second Super Bowl Spot for ‘Ghost in the Shell’ starring Scarlett Johansson is now available at the Ghost in the Shell page. I am not sure if there will be an extended version broadcast during the Super Bowl as there is no indication in the 30 second spot that there will be. Transformers clearly states to tune in for the extended spot, so this may be it for ‘Ghost in the Shell’.
First of all i’d like to tell you how much I respect the work that you do! All of your trailers sound fantastic!
2nd, i’d would like to know how come the PCM tracks are always so soft in comparison with the DOLBY or DTS tracks. When i crank up my volume to -20db it sounds sublime on a DOLBY or DTS track, but with PCM i can barely hear anything on -20 and I have to max out my volume button haha. This isn’t just for one specific trailer, but for all of them with a PCM track. Is there something on my receiver that I should adjust? I’ve been willing to ask this for a long time, but no one seems to be able to help me or give me an awnser on what might be wrong!
Kind regards and keep up the good Work!
I have the same experience, and I find that to get the same level I need to increase the volume about 5 or 6 db. Someone posted a comment on the site a while ago that suggested it was due to the dynamic headroom available in the lossless track.