I uploaded a new encode of Trailer 1 for Avengers: Endgame (2019). I received some feedback from a visitor to the site – Shu Ming Liu (your’re famous now!) who pointed out that the shot at 1 min 17 seconds (the aerial shot of the Avengers HQ) looked like crap. Well, those were not his words, but that is what it looked like. I am happy to say that it now looks much closer to the master. Thank you Shu Ming Liu for pointing it out. If the quality of that scene bothers you, then I suggest you download the re-encode. I will say, however, that there may be some trade offs in making that shot look better. My initial inspection didn’t pick up any issues. Any feedback between the two is appreciated, and will help me with decisions moving forward. My aim is to provide the best quality possible for those who appreciate more than YouTube can offer. Your feedback is helpful in ensuring that I deliver my intended quality.
Can’t you just upload the Master?
Not OP, but masters tend to be multiple gigabytes large, with the audio tracks often still disassembled. They are also illegal to upload, to the best of my knowledge.
Please Admin upload the master! Always supply the best quality file you have, i appreaciate your every effort.
i am surprised to learn that apparently i do HEVC re-re-encodes (for my own use) since you re-encode the masters yourself.
Your work was always impeccable on every step, but for this biggest movie of all time i would love to have the master this one time!
The best of wishes to you and keep up the good work!
Sorry, I am not allowed to post the masters. I won’t go to jail, but I could lose access to the masters – and that would not be good.
No. That is against the agreement I have. The masters are not for public distribution or even consumer consumption. Anyone who openly distributes master files is risking losing access to those materials.
You notice, I notice’s to.
Appreciate for update man.
Hi Jonathan, can you upload Godzilla King Of The Monsters Trailer 2?