Download the 4K 60FPS Godzilla vs. Kong Trailer! A visitor to the site sent me this 4K 60 FPS encode of the Godzilla vs. Kong Trailer. It appears that the audio is the 5.1 upmix from the version that Bear Laser Trailers uploaded here. The video is in the VP9 format. It is less than a week to go until Godzilla vs. Kong arrives in theatres, IMAX and HBO Max. I checked my local listings, and it is only playing as a private screening for $200. That is actually not a bad price for a private screening when you think about it. I still have not decided how I will see it.
Trailer 1 – 4K 60FPS AC3 5.1
Video: VP9 20.1 Mbps
Audio: AC3 5.1, AAC Stereo
Image: Scope 3840×2160
Format: MKV
Release Date: March 31, 2021 (North America) and HBO Max
Director: Adam Wingard
Writers: Eric Pearson, Max Borenstein
Stars: Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall
Studio: Warner Bros.
Hello there,
Just want to point out that this 60FPS video was interpolated from the original 24FPS one using Flowframes.
You can learn more about it here: https://nmkd.itch.io/flowframes
I say this as I’m the creator of the YouTube channel 60FpsGoodness, and that’s where this video comes from.
If you check at the 1.03 min mark, you can see the same artifacts that are on my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5Fsj_sCKdg&t=63s
I’ve been following your website for a while now, that’s where I used to get 4K trailer sources 🙂
Now, I’m only commenting about this simply because you may not be aware that there is no 60FPS source of this trailer, or any trailer, and it was simply interpolated.
While RIFE interpolation does give amazing results, it’s not perfect.
I’m not here to tell you to take it down or anything like that, I just had in mind that you only wanted true source material in here.
Hi. Thank you for pointing out the details on the frame rate. You are right, I usually want masters as the source material, but with the limited amount of material available at the moment I thought that people would be interested in this encode. I sometimes do have access to 60 FPS (59.94) masters. I don’t think I have posted ones in the past as I was concerned about creating compatibility issues. Unfortunately, they are not 4K though.
Really? I had no idea they released 60 FPS masters.
That would be awesome to see, please release them if you get your hands on some, would be great to see how an interpolated trailer looks compared to the real thing. 🙂