The past month or so did not go as planned. You would not know it judging by the lack of new content on the site, but I have spent a lot of time working behind the scenes to keep the site up and free from internet baddies. I believe I have closed all the holes that were causing issues. It is a total pain though, so hopefully I can spend as much time on content moving forward. Especially since October to Christmas usually sees a lot of new trailers being released as the summer blockbuster films seek a showing at the big fall films. Then there is usually almost nothing in January and February.
Speaking of big fall films, Black Adam (2022) should fit that category nicely. The Black Adam (2022) page has been updated with Trailer 2, which took longer to get a 4K version with an official 5.1 mix than I thought it would. Nevertheless, here it is.
An update on the Shazam trailer: That was a totally bad encode, and it has been unpublished. I did spend time trying to find out what exactly happened so that it would not happen again, but I have no idea what happened. I am going to do some new encodes and republish shortly.
That is it for now. Head on over to the Black Adam (2022) page to get Trailer 2!
Please also Upload The Little Mermaid Teaser 2023
Thank you!
My hard drive crashed, and unfortunately, I lost all my trailer collections. I was able to recover some, but most were lost, and I have listed movies below for which I would love to get back their trailers:
Deadpool: Part 1
Blade Runner 2049
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Jumanji: The Next Level
War for the Planet of the Apes
I would be grateful to anyone who shares these files, and Thanks in advance for your helpful efforts.
Mail ID – jarvish247360@gmail.com