Alice Through The Looking Glass (2016) Trailer C (FLAC 5.1 and AC3 5.1)
Trailer C for Alice Through The Looking Glass (2016) has been added with lossless FLAC .mkv and AC3 5.1 .mp4 files. They can be found... requires ad revenue to stay up and running. Please disable your Ad Blocker or add us to your whitelist. Thank you.
Home Theater Resources
Here you can find the latest HD Movie trailers with multi channel audio.
Trailer C for Alice Through The Looking Glass (2016) has been added with lossless FLAC .mkv and AC3 5.1 .mp4 files. They can be found...
It seems as though I did something wrong with Trailer 2 for Captain America: Civil War. Sync was off as was the frame rate, I...
The full trailer for Captain America: Civil War is now available at the Captain America: Civil War page.
Just a quick update, trailer 3 of The Huntsman: Winter’s War is now available. You can get it at The Huntsman: Winter’s War page.
Here is an update from my audio experiment on Sunday. I have been doing some research and along with the feedback provided by readers, I...
Coming to theaters this August is a remake of Pete’s Dragon, and I must say that to me, it looks better than The Jungle Book. The...
We have all been patiently waiting for a 5.1 version of the Independence Day: Resurgence trailer, and so far 20th Century Fox has only provided...
3D SBS of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer F4 is now available. Please go to the Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice to download. Details:...
Our first look at Episode VIII, picking up right where we left off…or, keeping us where we left off in The Force Awakens. Let the...
The latest trailer for Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives in theatres today. I actually have yet to see Man of Steel – and...