Jurassic World: Rebirth (2025)

Jurassic World: Rebirth (2025)

Five years post-Jurassic World: Dominion (2022), the planet’s ecology has proven largely inhospitable to dinosaurs. Those remaining exist in isolated equatorial environments with climates resembling the one in which they once thrived. The three most colossal creatures across land, sea and air within that tropical biosphere hold, in their DNA, the key to a drug that will bring miraculous life-saving benefits to humankind. (Universal)

Initial Release: July 2, 2025 (North America)
Director: Gareth Edwards
Writers: Michael Crichton, David Koepp
Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, Rupert Friend
Studio: Universal


TRAILER NAME Video Codec Audio Codec Format
Trailer 1 1920×804 HEVC YUV422 10 bit DTS-HD Master Audio Stereo, AC3 Stereo MKV
Trailer 1 1920×804 HEVC YUV420 10 bit DTS-HD Master Audio Stereo, AC3 Stereo MKV
Trailer 1 1920×804 AVC YUV420 8 bit DTS-HD Master Audio Stereo, AC3 Stereo MKV
Trailer 1 1920×804 AVC YUV420 8 bit AC3 Stereo MP4
Trailer 1 3840×1608 HEVC YUV444 10 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, AC3 5.1 MKV
Trailer 1 3840×1608 HEVC YUV422 10 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, AC3 5.1 MKV
Trailer 1 3840×1608 HEVC YUV420 10 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, AC3 5.1 MKV
Trailer 1 3840×1608 AVC YUV420 8 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, AC3 5.1 MKV
Trailer 1 1920×804 AVC YUV420 8 bit DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, AC3 5.1 MKV
Trailer 1 1920×804 AVC YUV420 8 bit AC3 5.1 MP4
Super Bowl Spot 1080p AVC YUV420 8 bit AC3 Stereo MP4

5 Replies to “Jurassic World: Rebirth (2025)

  1. Hey just listened to the mix of JW:Rebirth and something sounds off. It’s like all the sound is on the right side of the mix and the imaging is off.

    1. Do you have the problematic 7.1 version? If so, please download the new 5.1 version which should be ok. If this is the 5.1 version, please let me know.

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