Black Panther (2018) Trailer 1 1080p PCM, DTS, and AC3 5.1

Check it out, the first trailer for Marvel’s Black Panther with the 5.1 studio mix is available at the Black Panther (2018) page. Black Panther hits theaters in February, 2018. requires ad revenue to stay up and running. Please disable your Ad Blocker or add us to your whitelist. Thank you.
Home Theater Resources
Check it out, the first trailer for Marvel’s Black Panther with the 5.1 studio mix is available at the Black Panther (2018) page. Black Panther hits theaters in February, 2018.
I just added Trailer 2 and 3 for the Disney / Pixar film Coco, which will arrive in theaters on November 22. These are the official studio 5.1 mixes, and can be found at the Coco (2017) page.
I have had a number of people ask about 3D trailers. It looks as though I will not be obtaining any more 3D trailers for theatrical films. I am also sorry to say that the largest manufacturers of 3D displays – Sony and LG, have announced that they will no longer be producing 3D capable units. It appears that the future of home cinema does not include 3D.
Sorry for the rapid blitz of updates, but this is it for today. Check out the latest trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and see what a Tony Stark designed Spider-Man suit is like. Trailer 4 was mixed from the dialogue, music and effects tracks.
The final trailer for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets was released this week, and you can find a mix from the dialogue, music and effects tracks at the VATCOATP page.
Happy 40th Anniversary of the release of the first STAR WARS film! The Star Wars Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017) page has been updated with the French Canadian and Russian versions of trailer 1.
I finally have the latest trailer for Wonder Woman, which you can find at the Wonder Woman (2017) page.
Trailer 2 for Blade Runner 2049 is now available at the Blade Runner 2049 page.
I know a lot of folks have been waiting for the latest trailers for Dunkirk and Wonder Woman. The masters have not been made available, at least not yet. Dunkirk Trailer 3 was released in an encrypted version to theaters last week, and it looks like an unencrypted version is coming this week. If I do get Dunkirk, it will probably be later this week. I am not sure about Wonder Woman. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Blade Runner.
Check out Trailer 1 for ‘The Dark Tower’ which hits theaters in August. Sorry for the lack of updates as of late, I have been way too busy. But I do have more to add, including French and Russian versions of The Last Jedi trailers. Some have been wondering about Kingsman: The Golden Circle, which I do not have an official multi channel mix or individual elements. I will be working on an up-mix and have that up soon for both the green band and red band versions. Back to the featured trailer, which can be found at The Dark Tower (2017) page.
A couple of weeks ago I added Trailer 2 for VATCOATP, with a 5.1 up-conversion. We now have the official mix for Trailer 2, and you can get it at the VATCOATP page.
I have intercepted a transmission from Scarif, and it is Trailer 1 of Star Wars Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017)! Now, I have a theory: Luke Skywalker has come to the realization that the ways of the Jedi are not going to defeat the dark side. That is why the Jedi must come to an end. Could this mean a controlled use of the dark side? Fight evil, with evil? Maybe. All I know for sure is that I am excited for December. I provided a higher than usual bit rate in the encode of the .mkv file. Enjoy!