The good news – we have the second Avengers Endgame trailer in 4K. The bad news – it is not in the IMAX aspect ratio, but the Scope aspect ratio of 4096×1716. I know that IMAX released the IMAX ratio on YouTube, but I have been unable to get a high quality source. If you have a 4K display, then this version should be an immense upgrade over the 1080p version previously released. As I did with Trailer 1, I switched the titles cards (The Avengers Endgame Logo and Release Date Information at the end) with the 1080p source upscaled to 4K. I did that because the 4K source was not English. The other change related to the audio. Since the source was not English, I multiplexed an adjusted version of the English audio from the 1080p trailer. It was adjusted to play at 24fps to match the 4K video, instead of the 23.978 frame rate of the 1080p version. As mentioned in earlier posts, I did not do a 10 bit HEVC encode because I am unable to encode HEVC at a high bit rate (greater than 10 Mbps) without introducing some playback issues such as jittering. Therefore, I am sticking with the AVC 8 bit encode. I did however, increase the bit rate for this 4K version to 40 Mbps to improve the overall image quality. I am really happy with how it looks, and I think you will too.
We are now less than a month from the release date and my son and I are totally stoked for it. I really appreciate that these trailers for Endgame have not given away too much information and the movie should have a lot of surprises. You can get the 4K trailer 2 at the Avengers: Endgame (2019) page as a .mkv with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 or a .mp4 with AC3 5.1
This one is currently in my home cinema playlist and will be for quite some time…at least until we get the first trailer for Episode IX.
Just wanted to say thank you for the hard work that’s into getting these high-quality versions. Looking forward to whatever comes next.
please upload imax version too
Patience, Jon is trying to find it as he stated in the article.
Please upload the Avengers: Endgame | Special Look.
The actual trailers have not given away much, but the “Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame | Special Look” video Marvel posted on their YouTube today sure as hell did! Don’t watch it if you don’t want anything spoiled!
Thanks for this trailer; keep ’em coming!
One note, unfortunately the Russo bros, well whether it’s their decision or not I’m not entirely sure, have thrown away some 70% of the resolution of the source material shot and are finishing both Avengers movies they’re directing at 2K. So that 4K UHD disc? Yes, HDR advantage and more efficient codec resulting in less compression and a cleaner picture, but the DI is inexplicably 2K. Such a shame, such a waste of taking the time to film everything with the IMAX camera. Shame not more people are aware of things like resolution like Chris Nolan and JJ Abrams are – Episode IX will feature REAL IMAX aspect ratio (1.43:1) scenes shot with actual IMAX 15-perf/70mm film and the DI will be 4K. Additionally unlike the numpty that filmed Episode VIII, JJ will NOT crop everything he took the time to film in IMAX AR to scope with no explanation whatsoever (like folks who don’t like shifting ARs couldn’t go see The Last Jedi in the other 99% of screens across the globe?)
I honestly don’t understand why 2K Digital Intermediates still exist, aside from it being a cost savings – but it is at a huge quality expense in the long term.
Thanks for that! I appreciate!
nice thanks
Hi Jonathan, sorry I have some noob questions to ask on the Endgame DCP:
In my country (Hong Kong), there is no IMAX with 4k projectors (all IMAX projectors are still 2k/IMAX digital), so I’m a bit stuck on deciding which version should I watch:
1. IMAX 3D (with 2k projectors)
2. Standard 3D with 4k projector (non IMAX screen)
If using Infinity War as an example, I know there is 4k 3D DCP for IMAX theatres, do you know if this format is solely provided to IMAX theatres? (Since it is not complying with DCI spec?)
So that all other theatres even with 4k projectors will only get the 2K 3D DCP, but projecting it with 4k projector?
Thanks a lot for your time
Correct, only IMAX theaters would have the 4K IMAX DCP. If you chose to go with IMAX you will get the 1.9:1 IMAX aspect ratio where a non IMAX theatre will have 2.35:1. I think the Digital Intermediate for the film was 2K so all the added benefit of shooting with higher resolution was lost.
Oh, originally I thought that they could get the 1.9:1 DCP also…. so that with a laser projector with resolution of 4,096×2,160 (1.8962:1), I won’t lose much
So I would probably go see the IMAX version just for the expanded screen even though I can’t get the laser color
Thanks again!!
Amazing !!!
thanks so much for this great work