Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) Disney+ Exclusive Sizzle Reel – 1080p PCM Stereo

Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Sizzle Reel
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) Disney+

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) Sizzle Reel dropped last week at Disney Investors Day. The Bad Batch is a spin off from the animated Clone Wars series created by Dave Filoni. In The Bad Batch, a group of elite clones known as the Bad Batch, who have a genetic variance from their other brothers in the Clone Army giving each a unique skill. Set in the aftermath of the Clone War, the Bad Batch take on daring missions as they find their way in the transition to the Galactic Empire. Season one arrives on Disney+ in 2021. You can check out the exclusive Sizzle Reel below.

Links updated Feb 7, 2021

Sizzle Reel – PCM Stereo, AAC Stereo
Video: AVC H264 32Mbps
Audio: Official Mix – PCM Stereo, AAC Stereo
Image: Scope 1920×800
Format: MKV

Sizzle Reel – AC3 Stereo
Video: AVC H264 16Mbps
Audio: Official Mix – AC3 Stereo
Image: Scope 1920×800
Format: MP4

Release Date: 2021 (Disney+)
Stars: Dee Bradley Baker
Studio: Lucasfilm

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