An Amazon princess leaves her island home to explore the world, and becomes the greatest of its heroes. (IMDB)
Initial Release: June 2, 2017 (USA)
Director: Patty Jenkins
Writers: William M. Marston (Wonder Woman created by), Allan Heinberg
Stars: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Elena Anaya
Studio: Warner Bros.
TRAILER NAME | Video | Audio | Size |
Comic Con Trailer | MP4 H264 | Dolby AC3 5.1 640 Kbps | 249 Mb |
Comic Con Trailer (Lossless Audio) | MKV H264 | FLAC 5.1 / Dolby AC3 5.1 640kbps | 465 Mb |
Trailer 3 | MP4 H264 | Dolby AC3 5.1 640 Kbps | 227 Mb |
Trailer 3 (Lossless Audio) | MKV H264 | FLAC 5.1 / Dolby AC3 5.1 640kbps | 424 Mb | Purchase on Blu-Ray or Amazon Prime Video |
Wonder Woman (Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD) |
Thank you for your great work!
I could kiss you.
You haven’t stated in your posts what the audio sources/mixes are for any of the Wonder Woman trailers – are they studio 5.1 mixes or your mix from stems or upmixes from stereo? Thanks.
No upmixes. These were mixed from the dialogue, music and fx tracks.
Hi, where did you find the Trailer 5 Warrior with no narrator? Thank you so much btw
I have the narration track, but did not include it. It contained the line “Wonder Woman…only in cinemas”
Hi…I cant find the Wonderwoman Warriors Trailer that is trailer number 5 mostly.
why can’t I download it…from android.mobile……wetransfer site is not working……what can I do???? please help me……
Sir can you please re-upload the trailer 4 and 5 its a huge request